Tuesday, August 26, 2008


My bones are not as dense as they ought to be—indeed, not as dense as they used to be. Just where that mass has gone I do not know. Possibly it gradually escaped out my mouth while I was talking. But anyway, it seems to have escaped. But the news is good. It can be rebuilt.
Apparently it won’t be all that difficult to rebuild it. All I have to do is take one pill per week, not such a big pill either. The thing is, I’m not to lie down after taking that pill, and it must be taken at least thirty minutes prior to taking anything else, including food, beverage or other medication. As far as I can figure, this is a Monday morning pill, a pill to be taken on a day when everything else is already messed up. All I have to do is get up a little earlier than usual, take the pill, take a shower, doddle in the bathroom, dress slowly, take my other medications, have breakfast, and then arrive for work, possibly a little late, which seems pretty natural for a Monday morning.
There’s just one more little thing. I ought also to be taking calcium, which doesn’t seem to absorb unless it is taken with vitamin D. The doctor has jotted down a formula for the balance between the two. We stare for hours at the pharmacy shelves, only to conclude that No product, either pre-mixed or individually packaged, meets his exact specifications. So we finally settle for the drug company recommendations and ignore the line on the package that tells us to follow these directions unless otherwise specified by a doctor. There’s just one more little thing, though. The calcium should not be taken two hours before or four hours after other medication, which allows me to take the four gigantic pills at bedtime, except if my arthritis flares up again and I have to take a pill for that at bedtime, at which point I will have to skip supper, I think. Or maybe Monday morning breakfast.
The more I think about it, the denser I feel. Could this possibly explain where the bone density has gone?

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