Wednesday, September 01, 2010


A single story can be hopeful or not-so-hopeful. It all depends on where you put the emphasis.

Part 1
Create hope in a story you tell by making sure you know in your heart where the hope is. Feel it first.

Part 2
Create hope by playing with time. Make the time span as long as it needs to be.

Part 3
Create hope in one context by telling a hopeful story about another.

Part 4
Create hope in stories by talking about hope.

Part 5
Create hope in stories by including symbols.

part 6
Create hope with heroes

7) Create hope by favouring the underdog.

Jan Scruggs: It is human nature for us to want the underdogs to win amazing victories against stronger opponents in sports or other endeavors in life. It gives us hope--if
this athlete or politician or business owner or performer can succeed in spite of overwhelming odds, maybe we, too, can overcome the challenges in our
own lives.

What more can I say than Jan Scruggs has already said? If you want to put hope in your story, feature an underdog who made good. Make sure you mention that this person is an underdog, draw attention to it through any means you have, dialogue, observation, direct reference. Make sure we know why your hero is at a disadvantage? Help us see how that changes. To add impact, tell us whether the hero had hope at any point in the story, and tell us when the hope grew. Add a symbol of the hope if you can.

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