Monday, August 13, 2007


A lot of things have improved about weddings.
Gone is that great and hurtful distinction,
The division between those who “had to get married” and those who didn’t.
A white dress no longer pretends to represent virginity.
The groom is toasted along with the bride.
Mothers and fathers present their children together.
Couples look for meaningful vows
Gone are the tired lines from the 16th century.
Invitations ask you to choose, chicken or vegetarian.

The beautiful wedding of Cathy and Roger!
Brilliantly radiant bride and groom.
Family gathering from miles around.
Caesar salad and creamy cheesecake,
Teary-eyed speeches and childhood pictures.
Gifts galore and a honeymoon to come.

There isn’t much fruitcake at weddings these days,
And fruitcake is one of my favourite foods.
But I still love weddings anyway.

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