Monday, March 10, 2008


This is a salute to all the people who visit in hospitals,
Paying more attention to the needs of the patients than to their own need to be acknowledged.

To the ones who take along the newspaper,
Knowing they’ll stay longer if they can sit reading quietly.

To the ones who get frantic calls in the middle of the night
And the ones who lie on terrible cots and sit with aching necks in straight-backed chairs.

This is a salute to those who visit the ones who spend their days visiting in hospitals, Giving a vote of confidence to the ones who spend their nights on terrible cots or sitting in straight-backed chairs.

Norman Cousins once said that a hospital is no place for a sick person,
That one who has a choice ought not to stay there.

So let us salute those who visit in hospitals.
They are the ones who can tell you
That a hospital is no place for a well person.

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