Tuesday, June 03, 2008


I was on my way to a synagogue to make a hope presentation on Sunday evening when I realized a surprising thing. Until that evening I had never been through the door of a Synagogue.
How peculiar, I thought. Have I not been to church most Sundays for the past fifty years or so? Have I not heard stories about the Jewish people every week? How curious that the worlds of Christians and Jews should overlap so much and yet touch each other so little!
I was one of four presenters. Two were from Calgary, two were from Edmonton. Two were Jewish. Two were not. I basked in the warm hospitality offered to me that evening, and again the next morning when I took my hope tools to Calgary Jewish Family Services. That little introduction got me interested. My first visit had its limits. I did not enter the sanctuary, only the church hall, to attend a panel presentation to which the general public had been invited. But alongside my amazement that my first visit should have come so far along in my life, I felt a surge of hope, aware that many new experiences are still waiting for me, not very far from home.

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