Saturday, October 16, 2010


My favourite new radio program is Day6 heard Saturdays at 10:00 AM on CBC Radio1. It comes on at a time when I’m not really listening to the radio. The radio is on, and I am doing other things. And yet, suddenly I am listening to day6 and not doing anything else at all, except maybe asking David to hush, or telling Pirate he’ll have to wait another hour if he expects me to join him on a walk.
The thing that draws me in is the light and cheery tone of the show. It’s kind of modern, kind of sassy. It makes me giggle. I am well aware that this is the draw for me. So you can imagine, given this awareness, how surprised I was this morning when I discovered that the features I remember after the fact, the features that make me want to blog about the show, are the serious features. I only discovered this when I sat down to craft a fan letter. You should never under-estimate the power of fan mail. I know the value of fan mail. It impresses your boss, but even more important, it keeps you working hard, at least that’s the effect fan mail has on me. So I wanted to write a good fan letter to the good people who craft Day6, a letter that would name the segments I value. When I’d made the list I read it over. My first thought was: Oh my goodness! They’ll think I’m a serious person. They’ll never even guess that my resume says I specialize in hope and humour.
So here’s the big question: Why, oh why are human beings so complicated??

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