Sunday, January 07, 2007


What fun it is to pick up the newspaper and find something to celebrate with someone you know. 
This week we found Kathy, a fellow storyteller, enthusiastically promoting storytelling.  We found Carolyn, our favourite real estate agent, taking over
the presidency of the Edmonton Real Estate Board.  A hard worker, and a very well organized lady to be sure.  We felt proud, as if we owned a small part
of their success, even though they were already totally successful when we met them.   
When the media shows you somebody you already know in a good way it makes our big city feel like a small town, in the best and friendliest sense.  It brings
people together, reminds them of things they had all but forgotten.   
I also got a large share of media this week and right away I felt that old tug of connectedness.  Friendly media attention brings you a fringe benefit. 
You hear from people outside your current circle: former classmates; out-of-touch friends; leaders who heard your first Toastmasters speech; bosses who
once hired you; relatives; relatives of your friends; even people who disagreed with a position you took at a controversial time in some organization or
another.  And it just makes you wonder, if you counted up all the people who know you well enough to recognize you in the paper or on TV, just how many
would there be? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't recall that I've ever found a "blog" that made me want to read every single word the "blogger" had written. It's been a wonderful morning. The tribute to Sandra was so well- deserved,(one of the most gifted teachers I've ever known). Your words about your Mom brought the chest-tight tingle of loss (I loved and miss her). I missed your interview, but know you spoke eloquently, humbly, and with your usual charm and wit. It is as though we've had a great visit.
