Saturday, February 03, 2007


What better time can there be to wonder things than in the middle of the night?  The house is relatively quiet, except for the clicking and whir of the fridge, the pop-popbang of the vinyl siding as it adjusts to temperature changes and the little whoops that Pirate makes as he dreams his doggy dreams.  I wonder, for example, why it is that we have our babies at the time in life when we have no aches and pains to keep us awake at night.  Most nights, at this stage in life, a baby crying for a 3:00 feeding would find me wide awake, wondering why it stayed asleep for so long.  No sign of the mumbling,m stumbling half-awake creature who groggily changed their diapers and gave them the breast.  And on those rare nights when Mom was, by some miracle, sleeping through, Dad would surely be alert, despite the fact that he leaves for work in only a few hours.


Dad says he knows the answer to this question.  We don’t have the babies at this stage because, due to our indigestion, accompanied by various aches and pains,  we don’t get enough sleep to enable us to be competent parents during the day. 

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