Monday, January 28, 2008


Life is a garden of story seeds,
Many would benefit from nurturing
All of them wait to be noticed
Some of them can be exceptional.

The biggest, the smallest,
The shortest, the tallest,
The fastest, the slowest,
The highest, the lowest,
The briefest, the longest,
The thing that smelled strongest,
The hardest, the easiest
The kindest, the sleaziest,
The funniest, the saddest,
The goodest, the baddest,
These are the starters of story seeds.

If you remember something from long ago, you could be harboring a story seed.
If you can’t wait to tell somebody what just happened, you could be harboring a story seed.
If you hear your voice telling something several times, you could be harboring a story seed.
If something is turning over and over in your head when you want to be sleeping, you could be harboring a story seed.
If your family members sigh and roll their eyes when you get onto a topic they recognize, you could be harboring a story seed.
If you wrote something down in a journal, or a notebook, or a letter, or a blog, you could be harboring a story seed.
If you get wind that your spouse or your child has been repeating something you said, you could be harboring a story seed.
If you just noticed something you never noticed before, you could be harboring a story seed.

All of us harbor story seeds, but storytellers tend to be more adept at growing them.

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