Friday, December 21, 2007


Pre-Christmas cleanup
Reckoning accounts receivable
Needing to find the money
Here is an invoice not paid.

Send a short note to the debtor
Quoting the invoice number
Along with the date of the invoice
And the total amount that was promised.

“Oh,” says the slippery debtor
Perhaps you did not notice.
We didn’t pay the invoice
Or quote you the invoice number.

Instead we increased the payment
By 150%
So the payment might not match the record
Oh, the perils of accurate paperwork!

In the darkening days before Christmas
Even at the Hope Foundation
Where amazing things happen often
This one comes from the shadows
To slow our frantic flurry.

Just a little reminder
Sent by an unexplored universe
In case we might not have noticed
That there is good in the world.

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