Thursday, December 27, 2007


10. Carols playing in the stores. Hearing them in November might make me groan, but I’m usually singing along by the time I reach the cashier..

9. Presents, any kind of presents, not too many though. Getting too many presents is like eating too much chocolate. Excess diminishes the goodness.

8. Christmas trees, especially in living rooms. A Christmas tree turns a normal room into a celebration centre

7. Cards and letters. Trudy sends hers in cartoon form. Lilyon tells her story in medieval language. Chasity writes a cheery account of the year. I love them all. It’s the most decent mail we get.

6. Fruit salad. Why don’t we have fruit salad more often?

5. Shortbread! Throw in mince tarts, butter tarts and fruitcake for good measure. Mark’s favourite is Nanaimo bars. I like those also. But we do get them at other times.

4. Turkey. Throw in gravy, moist stuffing, and mashed potatoes. For a perfect meal, leave out Brussels sprouts.

3. Singing! Christmas is the only time of the year when our families will gather and sing together. The Edey family likes to act out the Twelve Days Of Christmas. Six Geese A-Laying seems to be the favourite.

2. Parties! More parties! Even more parties!!!

1. And now, my absolute favourite thing about Christmas! Christmas brings out the best in people. It is the one time of the year when they try extra hard to get along with one another. That, in itself, is worth all the fussing.

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